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Racing Ahead: Why Adopting Local Innovations Matter A Lot For Our Future
Let me put it plainly: We need stronger collective participation by key Ministries and large corporations to transform the trajectory of homegrown innovations so that Malaysians can all benefit from a technology-fortified future and to be…
Draw Hope and Inspiration from the Jalur Gemilang
Let us fortify our sense of patriotism and unity as we count down the days to our 66th National Day at the end of the month. The government has already issued a clarion call for all Malaysians to fly the Jalur Gemilang with pride. It is…
Polls: Muda contesting candidates to declare assets soon – Syed Saddiq
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA) candidates contesting in the Aug 12 state elections will be declaring their assets soon, party president Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman said.
He said assets declaration is compulsory for…
PRN permulaan perjalanan naratif politik baharu negara
BERMULANYA tempoh kempen Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) kelmarin bermakna gelanggang persaingan bagi merebut 245 kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Kedah, Kelantan dan Terengganu terbuka kepada parti…
Educate, teach and love from the Heart
It is the smaller things in life that tugs on our heartstrings at times. Most local government universities have come to the end of the teaching semester, meaning classes for the semester would have wrapped up sometime last week.
It is…
Langkah kerajaan untuk mendapatkan bantuan teknikal daripada IMF berhubung dengan strategi hasil jangka sederhana (MRTS) akan membebankan lagi keperitan rakyat dalam suasana ekonomi yang tidak menentu dan kadar inflasi yang tinggi.…
Revolutionising Intellectual Property Rights with Blockchain Technology
In stimulating innovation and creativity, World Intellectual Property Day is celebrated yearly on April 26.
In this day and age where blockchain technology is adopted to protect Intellectual Property (IP), its potential to revolutionise…
Artificial Intelligence for the Future of Education
ChatGPT took the world by storm last December when OpenAI, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) company opened its research preview ‘beta’ version to the public to test and use for free.
This prompted mixed reactions from academics around the…
KUALA LUMPUR, 5 APRIL 2023 - Kaedah pemberian tanah kepada syarikat milik swasta untuk membiayai projek Kerajaan Negeri Selangor ala ‘land swap’ perlu di hentikan segera kerana ianya hanya merugikan kerajaan dan rakyat. Menteri Besar…
Jalur Gemilang: A symbol of nationhood, unity and national pride.
I would like to urge Malaysians to fly the Jalur Gemilang ahead of our 65th National Day at the end of the month. We are currently in the transition to endemic phase and as we edge closer to normalcy, let us be reminded of our patriotic…